A Future So Bright: Grab your shades!

Hi there, nonprofit leaders, board members, and investors! 🌟 Have you heard of the October Theory? It’s a TikTok theory that October is like a “mini January,” where we start dreaming, goal-setting, and basically trying to wrap this year up with the same enthusiasm we started. I’ve definitely been feeling that. With that, I’ve been […]

Moon Landings: What’s the destination and how will you leave your mark? 

When working with clients, the conversation often begins with the “North Star” of the organization’s mission, vision, and values. I love hearing about the bright and steady light that guides your work and focuses your attention. ✨ But the conversation can’t stop there.  We must also talk about where you’re going –  the very real and […]

Debunking the Myths About Our Nonprofits

  In March of this year, I was invited to speak at the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting. It was a humbling experience and also an opportunity for me to share (in 6 minutes or less), my thoughts on our nonprofit community. As we close out the year, I wanted to share again […]

Nonprofit Consulting: Clearing up the Confusion

I could use some help, but do I need a consultant? ‘Tis the season for resolutions, vision boards, and goal-setting. You may wonder if or even how to use a consultant in 2022 to help plan, navigate competing priorities, or offer a fresh perspective on your work.  Hiring a “consultant” can sound pricey, out-of-reach, and […]

Unmute Your Board

Let’s Reimagine Board Meetings If an alien landed here on Planet Earth and wanted to understand how your organization is making an impact in the world, would a visit to your next board meeting be the best opportunity to learn? I believe the nonprofit board room should be home to the most robust, creative, intentional, […]

Thank before you bank – moving from gratitude to appreciation.

Thoughts on Donor Appreciation …  Many years ago, I had a mentor who would often say, “No one’s first gift is their largest.” She believed donor retention was a better strategy than donor acquisition. To build her message into our team culture, I came up with this tagline for our team, “We thank before we bank.”  Our goal […]

New Year, New Y’all

We love to talk about “the board” as if it’s one big, multi-headed beast with split personalities that lands somewhere on a spectrum from micromanagement to complete detachment. But what if we spent some time talking about individual board members (ahem…also known as a “person”)? Good boards are made up of good people. And a […]

Can you repeat the question?

At some point, your nonprofit was an idea – an Aha! Moment – an answer. Someone (or a group of someones) deeply cared about an unmet need in your community. And they got curious. So they gathered together, they brainstormed, they got excited, they inspired others, they secured resources, they did the paperwork, they had the first […]

An Anchor or a Paddle?

An anchor helps you get still. A paddle helps you get moving.   What’s Your Anchor? As a leader in the nonprofit sector, you’re likely driven by a value system – a set of ideals that influence your perspective and actions, shaped by the wisdom of your own experience. Values anchor us – and our […]