
Nonprofit Consulting: Clearing up the Confusion

Victoria Prevatt
December 28, 2021

I could use some help, but do I need a consultant?

‘Tis the season for resolutions, vision boards, and goal-setting.

You may wonder if or even how to use a consultant in 2022 to help plan, navigate competing priorities, or offer a fresh perspective on your work.  Hiring a “consultant” can sound pricey, out-of-reach, and (let’s be honest) out-of-touch with the day-to-day realities of  running a nonprofit. I get it. In fact, working with nonprofit consultants (and not having a great experience) is what led me to start my own business.

Consultants – like nonprofits – come in all shapes and sizes. We have different skills, fee structures, styles, perspectives and experience.

So, what do nonprofit consultants do? Most often they are offering objective, professional expertise and best practices in one or more of the following areas: fundraising, marketing, storytelling, social media, board governance and engagement, meeting design and facilitation, strategic planning, program evaluation, volunteer management, leadership transitions, technology assessments, human resources, nonprofit start-ups, team building, grant writing, executive coaching or preparing for large-scale capital campaigns.

Head spinning?

Seasoned consultant Heather Yandow  shares 5 questions to ask before hiring a nonprofit consultant …

The Five Questions

1. What problem am I trying to solve?

2.  Are all stakeholders in agreement?

3. What is the timeline?

4. What is the budget?

5. What is the organization’s capacity (time and energy) for the work?

Want to hear more? Listen as Heather unpacks these questions in the Successful Nonprofits podcast Episode 228.

Now what?

If you’re still unsure, consider scheduling a discovery session with me. Discovery sessions are a 3-step process designed to bring clarity, share best (and next practices), and prioritize next steps.

Step 1: Pre-session discovery survey

Step 2: 90-minute strategy session

Step 3: A written summary with resources and recommendations based on our work together

This is a low-cost, low-barrier opportunity that offers a fresh perspective on the incredible work you’re doing out there. Together, we’ll learn where you need to focus time and talent and where you might benefit from hiring outside expertise. If I’m not the right person for you, I have an incredible network of highly skilled consultants who do things I don’t do – and I’m always happy to recommend them if that’s a better fit for you. Ultimately, my goal is for you (and your mission) to succeed in the world.

Wishing you a Happy New Year! 

Keep up the good works!


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